Bugcat Capoo


Bugcat Capoo is an IP brand created by Taiwan creator YARA. Portraying stories about the cute and fantastic creature Capoo and other animal friends in a simple and childlike style. Using the comic's non-verbal storytelling to break the language barrier and entertain readers from different countries.

Market Achievements:
In 2014, Bugcat Capoo launched its Facebook fan page, now with over 2M followers on Facebook and Instagram. Yara, the creator, regularly updates with comic strips and illustrations, beloved for Capoo's mischievous charm. It's won LINE Webtoon's 1st Original Comic Contest and became a top-selling LINE original sticker, earning a spot in the LINE Sticker Hall of Fame.

Bugcat Capoo provides images for various businesses, including online games, malls, food brands, convenience stores, phone cases, escape rooms, themed attractions and stores, and public transport collaborations, with adjustments and supervision.

Company/Creator Profile:
Founded in 2016, CARTER ISLAND is dedicated to bringing vivid characters from illustrators' pens into real-life scenarios, allowing them to be constant companions, infusing a splash of color into monochrome existence.

Tailoring exclusive products for Taiwanese illustrators, we strive to create the most satisfying and distinctive items, providing fans who support Taiwanese illustration with heartwarming accessories.

The CARTER ISLAND team possesses a comprehensive licensing program, diverse design, product development, visual presentation, integrated marketing, and operational development, leading a variety of unique perspectives and embarking on colorful adventures.

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Contact Information

  • +886-2-2745-8186
  • 5F, No. 158, Sec 3, Minsheng E. Rd.,Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105402, Taiwan